Thursday, May 29, 2014

The kindest way to be

I have often felt that giving meant I would endeavor to give more than enough so that the receiving one felt special and recognized as worthwhile in a world that seemed stingy in that department. My personal goals, in the end, were more self serving and selfish rather than honest and kind. I thought my intentions were of the highest standard. It fluffed up my self esteem and provided the wonderful by-product of gratitude and appreciation from the receiver.
I now check my motivations and am endeavoring to redirect my actions with true sincerity and kindness rather than looking for affirmation of self. It's not easy but it is the kindest thing to be just enough, real and clear in intention and action. Treating people with grace and compassion are qualities I strive for. Using people and situations to bolster my own image is not.
I pray for this adjustment so I become one of those that truly can generate the best energy towards my fellow man and thereby experience the deep meaning of love and kindness.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Greatest Freedom of Soul

In the darkness of the recesses of our mind and soul we can be paralyzed by the fear of being "found out". We know we have the hidden darkness of our unhappiness, our sad truths about the undeserving or selfish being that, if brought out into the light and revealed, would disappoint and possibly repel those we care to hold dear and important.
I imagine the most profound and freeing experience to be the unveiling of all that is ourselves, good and embarrassing, and be forgiven for all and embraced as most human and beautiful in our broken and healing selves. If not freed of these shackles the human and divine life we have is forestalled by what happened and limits our life experience to an unfulfilled existence. By the forgiveness of ourselves with the help of our higher contact, our humanness weaves the beauty of our existence into a rich fabric.
Then we love and are loved in the deepest and most lasting way possible. Give me life.....more more life.