I've been muddling through the concepts of the divine presence being everywhere, and within and without, at the same time. This pervasive entity appears to have the capability of being all things at all times. My question lies in the beauty and Mystery of man's life as an extension and creation of the all- knowingly supreme being yet still having free will.
Using my limited faculties, I have envisioned a possible scenario for how it works.The supreme consciousness is everywhere in all things. Yet, each individual creation is like an atom with its own charge and it's own pattern of motion. The faster the atoms move, the more likely they will run into each other and create a dynamic energy of action and reaction. The consequence of these actions manifest in a microsecond of the cosmos and in the continuum of perpetual motion, and the myriad of events that we know as life occur.
So as a part of the creation, I am given certain qualities, attributes, talents, and cognition. My Indelible identity or the nature of my being is something I am born with. That essence ultimately brings me back to a natural course of action, however activities around me can temporarily or permanently change the course of my path. Without conscious awareness of the origin of my being, it would seem that life is but a random group of actions and responses of which we have absolutely no control. However, I believe that our inner drive, our need to know, our need for purpose, our need to connect, our need to join our higher self, supersedes our limited unconscious reality. Our free will is no less a divine given gift to allow us to repolarize our actions and outcomes and alter the perception and direction of our chosen path. I think it helps us in our awareness of our experiences rather than just being victims of uncontrollable circumstances, being battered or blessed.
Our beginning comes from the source, our middle has the capability of connecting with the source for a clearer and more conscious ride, and our ending goes back to the source. Our free will allows us to decorate this life with events, persons, perceptions and designs that make us the individuals that we are. However, if we become aware enough to connect with source during our journey, the choices have a rhythm that certainly improve our behavior, experience, and sense of purpose.
It's an interesting conundrum but one I will continue to enjoy as I try to understand it and figure out. Knowing I have a choice helps me make one.