Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Divinity in Sound

The Divinity in Sound

I find the most peace in musical sounds. When I am at a loss for connection with the world and feel distant like a balloon on a fragile string, ironically I'm grounded by the most ethereal of presences.  When I cannot find harmony in the actions surrounding me, or understanding in the cacophony of voices struggling to be heard, silence alone is not my first line of retreat and solace. I can only be lulled back by the sensitive sound of Eternal Grace through music.  It is the one Force, the gift, that gives me the sense of being swaddled by an elevated existence. I am transported and transformed, uplifted and connected to the energy within the array of notes and sound. In this place I can always find Serenity and the assurance of divinity. 

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See if you can read this....  Take care.
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