Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Art of Being

I write these thoughts to create a life stream between my inner self and those I share life with in this vast world. It is a healing and bonding for my soul to feel more life and connect with the vast world we live in.  I pray for inspiration and gratitude each day. I hope it gives you as much joy as it gives me. Joya

The art of being is discovered by just .......being. As youthful butterflies we flit upon every budding flower of a new life event as if our days would forever come with innumerable possibilities at each sunrise and would ever provide that sweet nectar of first tastes. It would seem that the rest of our lives is spent in the chase of recapturing those stimulating bubbles like the first glass of champagne or the first kiss. The stage becomes bigger and the sets require grander trappings to mask the truer simpler experiences we long for. It feels as if, at some point, we run out of the great challenges and the higher highs, but the need to feel so becomes stronger, more desperate and more compelling. How is it possible to just be when all we've seen and done begin to lose the luster of this grand life of expectation and accomplishment? We must learn to be quiet. We must accept that our guiding spirit in self is enough....more than enough. We simply let go of needing to be more. We have arrived at today. Each day is another today and we are calm, open, and still so that the sound of the rain, the blessed breeze across our face and the sun's warmth on our body soothes our souls. Once again it is like the first time we became and knew who we were and loved the moment when we were just being.....

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