Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mistaking Identity

Throughout my life I've met people who made a very strong impression on me. It may be in the way they walked, talked, the piercing eyes, the sense of humor, the neurotic behavior or the strong controlling personality, to name but a few. Negatively or positively, the impressions remain indelibly marked and the memories can be triggered unexpectedly.
Now, seeing a familiar face, someone who reminds me of another, or watching a familiar scene with different and unknown players can create entertaining moments but depending on the intensity of the memory it might cause a replication in my feelings towards that person or situation. My pre existing feelings could prejudice a response or attitude, and predestine the outcome of any interaction. In other words, i respond as i did in the past and perpetuate either a negative behavior or an unrealistic expectation by that sense of familiarity- the instinctual reminder of previous feelings.
Regardless of whether or not these triggers stimulate a recoil, avoidance, or an overly sentimental response, the question I ponder is by so doing have I condemned or restricted a new opportunity to the same, repetitious, predictable outcome as before? Have I missed the chance to allow a more intense, profound, or enjoyable moment pass me by? I may have unknowingly created a case of mistaking an identity for another and dismissing and discarding a potential awakening and a personal growth opportunity. If I could possibly see the world differently I would be able to improve my own experience and the effect I have on the surrounding environment in return. Let me not hold our humanity hostage by my limited experience, rather let me be captured and enraptured by all that come to me in life. With new eyes and an open and willing heart, together we create a new story, a better read with, hopefully, a better ending.

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