Sunday, November 30, 2014

Right or Wrong? Do It or Don't

Right or Wrong? Do It or Don't

I have struggled with trying to do the right thing and not doing the wrong thing. It would seem that a choice in either direction would automatically nullify the other but lately I have begun to think that there is a gap between the two that still merits consideration. Do neither? 

I don't mean to give the impression that I support a lack of response to life or responsibility for monitoring my behavioral choices, but I recognize that my limited experience may not provide the best direction or motivation for the best scenario and outcome. When left to my own rationalizations,  my actions are more than likely self "conscious" and my understanding of their long range ambitions short sighted.  

As a human being I have been exposed to the concepts of the Golden Rule, (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...) the idea of a heavenly reward, and the threat of an hellish, punishing afterlife for atrocious deeds towards mankind.  
Where the cutoff exists to measure my actions within these parameters is both clear and blurred.  We are taught that killing another human being is definitely bad yet we find reasons to approve such actions in self defense or war.   The lines of demarcation seem to be moved conveniently so that absolutes of good and bad can be repainted to appear better or worse than we know they are. 

Rather than get caught up on the confusion of definitive and arguable points of perception  I try to keep it simple.  If you don't know what to do that is right just try not to do what you know is wrong.  If you don't want someone to disrespect you don't be disrespectful. If you don't want to be cheated and lied to, don't cheat and lie. I think sometimes just trying to not to do what you know is inappropriate, "bad", or dishonest is enough.  If you don't know exactly what is the right thing to do, just focus on not doing the wrong things to others.  That alone has its roots in goodness and is like a weed killer that helps the healthy plants grow. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Spiritual Matrix

Spiritual matrix

I have shared the general thought that the world of the spirit is undefinable, unlimited, and unfathomable. It is made up of all things unseen, a veritable catch-all description for the things misunderstood or veiled to our light of understanding and vision. 
It would certainly make less sense to even try to understand or care about this if I did not have a deeper belief in the existence of The Source, the Supreme Spirit from which the Primordial ooze was imagined and from whence it flowed.  
As of late, though, I am starting to at least have a filmy beginning of noticing the matrix of my spiritual being and growth. As nebulous as the concept of soul or spirit, there feels to be a definable construction of recognizable formation when it comes to spirit in the creation of each unique form. It is not so much unique by appearance as in purpose and the energetic effect and memory that it deposits and leaves in the wake of its life.  Whether seen and used as a tool, road block, or mirror, each of us is a separate but joined faction in the larger spiritual consciousness. The gossamer  web of individuality is only separated by the "smoke and mirrors" of apparent reality, but it is real and necessary to build the individual matrix of spiritual growth and have it feel as solid as rock walls and the earth we walk on. The ultimate goal is opening the curtains so nothing blocks the light that goes in and out between the individual soul  and the permeating Source. We do not lose self - we finally surrender and become a living expression of Self. The undefinable becomes definable in each of us.  

Limitations or Formation?

Limitations or formation?

When I was  young my imagination was broad, the doors of opportunity were wide open, and all things seemed possible or at least available. It can be kind of exciting to think that the potential for success in any arena looms before a young person and tempts us all to believe that with desire and stick-to-ativeness that achievement is there for the taking. Our media idols have taken the role of mini gods and goddesses and tempt us to follow their path in order to feel accomplished and important in this life.  Anything less than glamour, material gain, and recognition does not feel like success.  

Of course, traveling the road of self-discovery reveals a much different picture.

I found the my path of worldly accomplishments narrowed by time and design, but became easier to travel. In other words, in my experimentation to find what I thought I should be and just dabbling in others' life pond of experience,  I found out how well I swam or sank in uncharted waters. Either by sinking or swimming, I found out the limitations of the person I was becoming in my life. It's not really a matter of feeling small or someone unable to achieve high goals. I found that finding my path and all the trial and error that went with it was really about knowing who I was.  Rather than it being a road of recognition as to what I'm not, it became the road to what I am. It's a formation of character, identity, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose. If we do not recognize and discover our true playing field, the place where our actions and feelings are inspired by conscious purpose and joy, it's easy to get lost.  Finding our true "limitations" is like gathering puzzle pieces they finally fit together. They become the formation of the picture that we are, the things that are distinct and unique  and meaningful to each of us, and a path of surer footing. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Daily Life Soup

Daily Life Soup

Most of the time we all think of ourselves as the "main entrĂ©e" in our daily life. We are the center of the plate and everything else and everyone else are the "side dishes" to complete the "meal" and therefore be honored with the great privilege of complimenting us. That concept of being in a fixed position from which all other things merely orbit around to enhance our individual experience and existence, becomes much more interesting and enjoyable if it's truly just seen as a daily opportunity to become a part of a huge cauldron of life soup made from different ingredients each day. 
Here is my idea of the recipe for daily life soup.

1.  Remember to honor the chef, the supreme source of this divine recipe. 

2. Be open to participating as an animal, vegetable, broth or spice necessary for a complete recipe.

3. Allow myself to be "chopped down to size" to fit the requirements of the day.  Whether I am a big piece or a small piece doesn't matter. I still play an important role in completing this project.  

4. If I am the broth, and the broth gets too concentrated, I can overwhelm the myriad of flavors that make a better soup. I may need to be diluted in order to balance the flavors. 
5. In making such a wonderful soup, I might need to spice it up or tone it down. A dash of enthusiasm or peaceful serenity may be the touch that is needed to compliment the "flavor" of the day. Taste, and add as needed.

6. Being a healthy ingredient is primal to making good soup. If I happen to be the overripe vegetable or the tainted meat in the soup, I can change the flavor and enjoyment subtly yet completely.  
7.  Keeping the attitude that I am a part of the soup and not just a singular ingredient broadens the hopeful outcome. I am not the only thing, yet remain an integral part of the total outcome. 

Some days, the soup will be delicious and exactly what I had hoped for. On the other hand, sometimes it may be somewhat lacking and doesn't quite meet the standard of taste and experience that was anticipated. Yet for another taster of the soup, another ingredient that was added that day, they may feel that it's perfect.

The good news is that each day is an opportunity to be a part of a new soup recipe. All the tasting, experience, enjoyment, and even dissatisfaction allow me to become an even better ingredient in the dish tomorrow.  It Is important just to show up and be ready to be chopped, diced, stirred ,made hot and spicy, "pure"ed, "tender-eyes "d,  marinated in love, warmed up, cooled off, or any combination thereof. Remember, it's a soup and a lot of love, passion and vision went into the selection of the ingredients you have been mixed with in this "soup of the day".