I have struggled with trying to do the right thing and not doing the wrong thing. It would seem that a choice in either direction would automatically nullify the other but lately I have begun to think that there is a gap between the two that still merits consideration. Do neither?
I don't mean to give the impression that I support a lack of response to life or responsibility for monitoring my behavioral choices, but I recognize that my limited experience may not provide the best direction or motivation for the best scenario and outcome. When left to my own rationalizations, my actions are more than likely self "conscious" and my understanding of their long range ambitions short sighted.
As a human being I have been exposed to the concepts of the Golden Rule, (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...) the idea of a heavenly reward, and the threat of an hellish, punishing afterlife for atrocious deeds towards mankind.
Where the cutoff exists to measure my actions within these parameters is both clear and blurred. We are taught that killing another human being is definitely bad yet we find reasons to approve such actions in self defense or war. The lines of demarcation seem to be moved conveniently so that absolutes of good and bad can be repainted to appear better or worse than we know they are.
Rather than get caught up on the confusion of definitive and arguable points of perception I try to keep it simple. If you don't know what to do that is right just try not to do what you know is wrong. If you don't want someone to disrespect you don't be disrespectful. If you don't want to be cheated and lied to, don't cheat and lie. I think sometimes just trying to not to do what you know is inappropriate, "bad", or dishonest is enough. If you don't know exactly what is the right thing to do, just focus on not doing the wrong things to others. That alone has its roots in goodness and is like a weed killer that helps the healthy plants grow.
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