Balance is a clear and simple concept when you have a scale in front of you and you are able to add and subtract something from either side of the plates being suspended from their matching chains in order to create a balance or equality of weight on either side. We can also vividly experience the anxiety of creating and maintaining balance while watching a tightrope walker attempt a death defying walk across a chasm from a height that, easily on its own, would generate the fear that could cause a loss of balance and a serious outcome. For each one of us, finding balance can be as simple or as terrifying as either of the previous examples depending on our motivation, our mental and emotional stability, and our needs.
How do I then measure my own personal balance? Looking on the outside is the typical way of starting an inventory, a check list if you will, of things/events/people that are smoothly incorporated into a daily routine, that move in and out of a day with very little ruffling of mental, physical, and emotional "feathers". But that sense of smoothness generates a satisfaction of "rightness" and wellness, and typically creates a false sense of security for achievement and ability. Now the image of the juggler with 3 balls in the air......then the progression to the magic of a world class juggler that can balance on a table while standing on a chair balanced on one leg, and juggling 15 plates with a stick balanced on his nose with a ball on top. This is how I see life - the ability to create a false sense of stability ( the great multitasking phenomenon) is what we unwittingly do never realizing that by trying to push the envelope of our abilities, we are treading precariously towards the moment when the whole thing crashes down and we are left with a bewildered look on our face as to what just happened and why?
Multitasking is something we all have done in order to maximize our time and achievement and , supposedly, have more "time" to do the things we truly enjoy or be with those we love. The real measuring stick is in the intention and the feelings that are invested in these actions. If getting things " done" supersedes bringing good feelings and conscious purpose to the task, if frustration and impatience dictates the way we are responding to the things or people who are "getting in the way" of finishing our job, if exhaustion, criticism, and blame dominate our evaluation of our day and gratitude is nowhere to be found.......I would venture to say we are totally out of balance.
Finding personal balance starts from the inside out. Holding personal values of strength without domination, action with cooperation, flexibility instead of control, smiling vs frowning, and the Golden Rule as the governor of our words, actions and intentions should definitely improve our personal balance and the effect we have on the world around us. People keep praying for world peace. I believe it starts with with me and my inner, daily investment with my Spirit and Guide. Before I can pray for world peace, I must learn to pray for my own internal peace, guidance and balance. That is the best way I can begin to change the world.
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