Monday, June 2, 2014

One moment at a time

It is an ironic moment when you realize that something you said without any intention of influencing a person is taken with such great joy and inspiration. I write this letter of love from this unexpected event.
It is to a young lady who is on the brink of life. She has enthusiasm and great love for her husband and child and is a very hard worker. She has aspirations to get her nursing license in order to make a better future for her and her family. Something I said, unbeknownst to me, made a significant difference in her perspective of her future. It is with great gratitude that I embrace the love that allows moments of clarity to penetrate the clouds in our mind. It reminds me that at any moment a joyful and spiritual epiphany can turn the corner of what was once a dimly lit hallway Into an open, bright and beautiful landscape.
She took a moment to tell me that I had changed her life.
It's an appreciation for the air we breathe, the light that shines on us and the gift of an unknown simplicity that gives us the greatest joy. Her Joy brought me joy and humbled me.

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