Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Provocation of Change

Change, being a necessary but inevitable part of life, generally shows up at the most unexpected moments. Relationships ebb and flow and the shadows of age slowly creep up and hinder quick action and thinking. Even wrinkles seem to suddenly emerge in the mirror though we knew of their eventual appearance. Shocked we may be but changed we are.
The more subtle changes can occur like the haircut that grows into it's best becoming only to fade shortly thereafter into an unpleasant and unmanageable mess. It's that type of joyous oblivious moment where we feel on top of everything, fearless and satisfied with our accomplishments and acquired grace and talents, when the underdeveloped emotions or thoughts ambush our sense of well-being. We may be reduced to a level that we thought was overcome, gone and replaced with all this wisdom and status we imagine that has been attained. Sucker! What a humbling experience to be transported back in time to the shy or boasting, fearful or headstrong, self conscious being that we hoped had disappeared with time.
There ever remains a living, vivid memory of past sorrows, challenges and short comings inside the depths of our subconscious and can surface with the perfect stimulation.
I consider these times as an opportunity to measure my growth. Though the weaker side may surface I depend on my soul conscience to not only change my attitude and action but assist in creating a better outcome than I had in the past. So I learn. I progress. I change.

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