Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Right Dose of Love

Recognize any of these?
Love your fellow man.
Love is all there is.
Love thy neighbor as thyself
"all you need is love" .... (Beatles)
I'm totally in love with you

The question it brings to my mind is what type of love is required, requested, or remaining toward those we would express such feelings? Desire and passion combined with personal wants and needs seem to be high on the list when love is mentioned or considered. Love of children, country and family are also easy targets for acceptable expressions of a loving nature.
But giving and finding a kind and loving expression in our human behavior is a rare and precious commodity in a world usually mired in confusion, fear, and need. Exacting the perfect and conscious provision of love requires reflection and thought. For some we can offer unending devotion, affection and concern (children and most family members). For others, love can translate to admiration, kindness and respect. Depending on who is receiving these feelings we cannot be certain when the translation or reception is clear. I have found that those of us who have the ability to be generously open and attentive to others may sometimes generate an unexpected level of apparent intimacy with a needier person who struggles to locate such liaisons in their daily lives. As this is not mutually shared, hurt, disappointment, and confusion can ensue.

So how do we temper our behavior and withhold the over abundance that creates that imbalance in relationships? When are we enough or too much? I struggle with that balance. All I can do is check my motivations. If overdoing, over sharing, or over expressing myself to another for personal recognition is my underlying, subconscious motive, it's probably not going to be as healthy and balanced of a relationship. If, however, it comes from just general compassion and concern for another person it may create a more lasting, real, and productive connection that can grow and thrive. I don't want to unconsciously use people for my daily mirror. I want to be useful, kind and empathetic. I want to be and give just enough. I may not get it right today but I will certainly try better each tomorrow.

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