Monday, October 13, 2014

Letting Go. - Perception and Transformation

Letting Go - Perception and Transformation

When I hear the phrase "let go" it creates an image of either separation, departure, loss or loss of control, release or all of the above.  No matter which angle we come from, letting go seems to mean that something or someone is disappearing or soon to be forgotten, sometimes easily, sometimes with great difficulty. But is it the person, place or thing we are truly letting go of or our attachments and neediness for them to comfort us and fill up a void in our lives?

If everything that didn't suit us, that bothered us, that didn't continue to make us happy or caused us pain was discarded and abandoned as bad or unwanted, our self knowledge and understanding could be jeopardized by not recognizing ourselves and our lessons in all these circumstances and people. I believe that everything we do, and everyone who comes in our path, is designed for our reflection, understanding and growth. If we see ourselves as spiritual beings struggling through the limitations of a human experience, we can only move up the ladder of development if we recognize and value these opportunities.  The wider we can open those doors and combine the two universes of humanity and spirituality the more clarity we achieve and the more peaceful understanding we might experience. 

 I'm beginning to understand more clearly that it is my attachment and desire that makes the situation or person desirable or undesirable, understood or misunderstood.  My personal wants and expectations can create a false sense of reality and can twist a potentially stable, healthy relationship or situation into a distorted, unhealthy and destructive one.  If I pray for guidance and am willing to change, in the same right, things can improve and become more positive and fulfilling. Now the "letting go" process becomes one of transformation. When I transform my insides and see things in their beautiful reality, then disappointment and desire no longer control the outcome. Trying to perceive the world and our place in it from our Divine Source, in its true moment of reality and purpose, is by far a greater gift.  This new vision from heart, soul and mind may allow us to change the regret, shame or disappointment of the past into a road map towards better paths and outcomes. 

So now I try to "let go" of my small, narrow-minded and controlling view of life in exchange for a bigger and wider perception of my life within the big LIFE. The view is much better from here and the ride more enjoyable. 

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