Monday, April 17, 2017


  • I have been traveling in the lands of vast open spaces and forceful gusts of wind that can come from any direction at any time. It is obvious that the timing and effect their presence has on anything and anyone in their path is of no concern of the wind children of Mother Nature.  From my distant position,  the landscape is broad, and allows for a detached yet vivid perspective  of the effect caused by these uninvited guests with their random and sometimes obnoxious behavior. Whether it's a tumbleweed being pushed across a barren terrain, or a tree being snapped in half or uprooted from its home, at a distance,  the difference in significance may be negligible . At least, as a one man audience in a momentarily empty theater, I can be critic, viewer, and editor of the scenes playing out before me.  It's nature and it's definitely clear that she was here first and holds that position with Grace and power but has no personal vendetta against those in her path.

On the flip side of that, I have experienced the torment and fear that accompanies experiencing such uncontrollable forces of nature when you are in the midst of her turmoil. I grew up with hurricanes and have experienced ice storms, flooding, earthquakes, and torrential rain storms, snow and  100 % humidity with a brief encounter of monsoons.  When you're in it, there is a great uncertainty as to how long it will last and how it will affect you and what possible actions would assist you with "weathering" these conditions.  It has certainly been that way for me.   I felt humbled and totally not in control of any circumstance or outcome.

But does this not parallel my life as I know it? Have I not  perceived turmoil and unexpected discord in the world as well as in individual lives as if viewing it from a distance ? Have I not been detached and possibly uncaring to the effects of forced or accidental calamity to others, near or far from my inner circle of being, and felt little or no compassion, concern or connection?  Must it happen directly to me or to those close to me before I'm finally willing to be generous with my goodwill or consolation, hope and help? And in the midst of  life's perplexities or apparent potential disasters do I take it personally and curse the heavens, or do I stand still in quiet faith and fearlessness and let the winds of change and disruption swirl and dance around me?

 Fighting life and the events that come with it has ceased to be a battleground for me. Anger and frustrating thoughts do not provide an answer, solution, or peace. What I cannot control I need to learn to accept. What I can change, I need to be open and willing to try. I no longer feel like a victim of life but rather a passenger or a traveler.  I have been given a ticket here by my Birthright, and a spiritual suitcase in which to carry my treasures, my gifts, or my burdens. I have learned not to fight the winds but rather to await the time of their subsiding or the change in the weather pattern. I am guaranteed that nothing and no one around me will remain the same, but I finally know that I have the opportunity to change and "go with the flow"  with the winds of least resistance.  I no longer feel removed from the emotions that life triggers, particularly by the unexpected twists and turns.   I have the ability to feel it without holding onto it and distorting my perception of the future. I have no answer as to why the way the world is how it is. I cannot decide who or what to fix first and how to do it. I finally figured out that that's not my job. However, I can certainly be a good representative of living within the Winds of Change by not being blown over by them. Maybe I can be like a hot air balloon that ceases to resist the wind currents but goes with them where they direct. It's a pretty good view from there, and in that quietness and peace that is where I want to be when I'm on the ground and amidst the throngs. I'm trying to take life only as seriously as is necessary today. I live in the Light Of Hope and believe that I will be given the right direction if I'm open and willing to ask for it.
I am a traveler, like you. So when we meet, as some of us surely will, may I bring a gift to you. May my presence be like a soft breeze that is comforting , soothing and welcoming.  May it promote a mutual invitation of momentary surrender, openness and recognition. And may we add another gift to and leave behind one burden from our spiritual suitcases.

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