Thursday, September 25, 2014

Divine Source- Director, Producer and Screen Writer?

Divine Source-Director, Producer, and screen Writer?

I've been muddling through the concepts of the divine presence being everywhere, and within and without, at the same time.  This pervasive entity appears to have the capability of being all things at all times. My question lies in the beauty and Mystery of man's life as an extension and creation of the all- knowingly supreme being  yet still having free will. 

Using my limited faculties, I have envisioned a possible scenario for how it works.The supreme consciousness is everywhere in all things. Yet, each individual creation is like an atom with its own charge and it's own pattern of motion. The faster the atoms move, the more likely they will run into each other and create a dynamic energy of action and reaction. The consequence  of these actions manifest in a microsecond of the cosmos and in the continuum of perpetual motion, and the myriad of events that we know as life occur. 

So as a part of the creation, I am given certain qualities, attributes, talents, and cognition. My Indelible identity or the nature of my being is something I am born with. That essence ultimately brings me back to a natural course of action, however activities around me can temporarily or permanently change the course of my path. Without conscious awareness of the origin of my being, it would seem that life is but a random group of actions and responses of which we have absolutely no control. However, I believe that our inner drive, our need to know, our need for purpose, our need to connect, our need to join our higher self, supersedes our limited unconscious reality.  Our free will is no less a divine given gift to allow us to repolarize our actions and outcomes and alter the perception and direction of our chosen path. I think it helps us in our awareness of our experiences rather than just being victims of uncontrollable circumstances, being battered or blessed.  

Our beginning comes from the source, our middle has the capability of connecting with the source for a clearer and more conscious  ride, and our ending goes back to the source. Our free will allows us to decorate this life with events, persons, perceptions and designs that make us the individuals that we are. However, if we become aware enough to connect with source during our journey, the choices have a rhythm that certainly improve our behavior, experience, and sense of purpose. 

It's an interesting conundrum but one I will continue to  enjoy as I try to understand it and figure out.  Knowing I have a choice helps me make one.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Life Story Written in Invisible Ink

Life Story Written in Invisible Ink

Part of my belief system is that our  life-story has been prewritten. Part of my belief system conceives that our free will allows us to embellish on the basic story thereby creating more color, dynamics, drama, and scenery. Both ideas may be true but, nonetheless, for me, it's written in invisible ink. The story is not revealed until it's time and I still have to go through the process of "reading" it through my actions, thoughts, prayers, aspirations and outcomes.  

The invisible ink concept is more about being present in the moment. It's also remembering what I've read from the past, and continuing to hope for a better outcome in the future.  

The best part is that I realize I no longer am (or ever was) the sole creator of this story of my life, nor know the punchline or destiny of the heroine. The only thing that I do know at this time, is that the author of this life, the author who writes my story has a clear understanding of the beginning, the middle, and the end. At the same time, I know that I am a part of the real never-ending story so regardless of how it turns out I have faith it will be a good one. So for now, I'll just keep on reading.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Evidence of Life

Evidence of Life
I have always wanted to be unique and remembered as no other. I wanted to corner the market on at least one singular expression, one individual behavior, product, or artistic creation never seen or done before. I have wanted to be remembered for a legacy which lives on after I am gone.
This is the way I have lived my life and, naturally, have come to the end of each chapter of experience disappointed by not reaching this high watermark I created as a measuring stick for my success.
While young, that disappointment was turned into motivation to recreate a new goal or adventure and blaze a new trail towards great possibilities. In reflection, I realize that I have been able to achieve a few unique and special moments in my personal history but, though very interesting, they did not create the dynamic effect, the profound spiritual experience I have sought. Simply put, I have not found the clarity of what is my gift of "being" to this world. I need evidence that my one drop of being and life in this ocean of eternal energy from The Source is as significant as the poetic vision of a second in endless time, a single note sounding through this unfinished symphony, and the one beat of the universal heart that allows the one before and after to follow and be followed keeping the eternal rhythm bouncing off the silent drum in boundless space.
The only thing I realize from this search and need is that what I want cannot be found from the outside. This cannot be understood and imagined with my limited experience of the external world. The boundless space inside my heart and soul is where I must discover and know who I am and where I fit. The special gifts that were given to me and have been taken for granted and sometimes even ignored, identify this trademark of my being. It is no longer necessary for me to decide how beautiful and how significant they are in the scheme of things. When I am "in love "in spirit and joyful in action, then I know I am in union with eternal source and fulfilling my part in this creation. That's the only evidence I need today.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Being Quiet and Waiting

Being Quiet and Waiting
As a child, I can hear the echoes of a parent or teacher saying "sit down and be quiet! ". Whether that was directed at me or a group of unsettled children, the person demanding this needed quite a profound and commanding voice to achieve such a goal. Though seeking tranquility may be a desirable state of being, this directive resembled (and was probably meant to be) punishment or control versus a request for calmness and relaxation, or a reestablishment of peace and harmony.
There are multiple examples of situations where waiting, or quietly waiting is nothing short of torment and torture to a youthful spirit with energy in abundance but without purposeful direction. Containing or controlling so much enthusiasm, excitement, or propulsion in motion, is not a desirable state of being when the world is your oyster and the choices and sampling of all that it offers is right in front of you. The era that we live in now also supports the fact that one does not need to wait for anything. Communication, stimulation and access to any and all worldly adventures is at our fingertips. But the shortcoming or downfall to this modern day phenomena is that the easier something ( or someone) is to get or have, the less important these experiences become and the easier to dispose of or disconnect from.
For me, therein lies the difficulty and the confusion. Having tasted from the buffet of life, sometimes it's hard to find out what nourishes and represents my self and my true identity.
As hard as it is sometimes, waiting has become my "action" and quiet my adversary. Being quiet and contemplating what surrounds me allows for clearer choices. I no longer feel an urge to try everything just because it's there or someone else is doing it. I've lived long enough to know where my detours have taken me driven by my impatience and the noisy voices in my head.
The landscape in my mind, heart and soul changes when stillness pervades. Knowing that my path no longer has to be littered by the debris of poor choices, I can patiently wait for the right moment, the right thing, the best person, the most purposeful action and event to appear. That has become my exercise and gift to myself. I'm no longer in a hurry and know I will miss out on nothing that is coming for me and to me. They say you are never late in divine time. That's the clock I am trying to set my watch by.