Sunday, September 7, 2014

Being Quiet and Waiting

Being Quiet and Waiting
As a child, I can hear the echoes of a parent or teacher saying "sit down and be quiet! ". Whether that was directed at me or a group of unsettled children, the person demanding this needed quite a profound and commanding voice to achieve such a goal. Though seeking tranquility may be a desirable state of being, this directive resembled (and was probably meant to be) punishment or control versus a request for calmness and relaxation, or a reestablishment of peace and harmony.
There are multiple examples of situations where waiting, or quietly waiting is nothing short of torment and torture to a youthful spirit with energy in abundance but without purposeful direction. Containing or controlling so much enthusiasm, excitement, or propulsion in motion, is not a desirable state of being when the world is your oyster and the choices and sampling of all that it offers is right in front of you. The era that we live in now also supports the fact that one does not need to wait for anything. Communication, stimulation and access to any and all worldly adventures is at our fingertips. But the shortcoming or downfall to this modern day phenomena is that the easier something ( or someone) is to get or have, the less important these experiences become and the easier to dispose of or disconnect from.
For me, therein lies the difficulty and the confusion. Having tasted from the buffet of life, sometimes it's hard to find out what nourishes and represents my self and my true identity.
As hard as it is sometimes, waiting has become my "action" and quiet my adversary. Being quiet and contemplating what surrounds me allows for clearer choices. I no longer feel an urge to try everything just because it's there or someone else is doing it. I've lived long enough to know where my detours have taken me driven by my impatience and the noisy voices in my head.
The landscape in my mind, heart and soul changes when stillness pervades. Knowing that my path no longer has to be littered by the debris of poor choices, I can patiently wait for the right moment, the right thing, the best person, the most purposeful action and event to appear. That has become my exercise and gift to myself. I'm no longer in a hurry and know I will miss out on nothing that is coming for me and to me. They say you are never late in divine time. That's the clock I am trying to set my watch by.

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