Life, my life, your life, our life (and I do mean our life since I see it all connected as one huge thing not just separate multiple ones) is a curious, amazing, frustrating, profound, confusing and remarkable experience. The longer I am here the broader and simpler it becomes. In other words, outside of scientific, artistic, and man made creations, the root and core of our existence has not changed significantly. The human struggle, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually repeats itself over and over.
This replication of experience and struggle throughout the generations of mankind is a a marvel to contemplate. As often as we see it, read about it, remember it, or discuss it, we have done very little to change it. And can we?
Is this merely the rat-in-the-maze parallel universe humans are unknowingly repeating, with very little difference in response to behavior based on joy or pain, desire, fulfillment, generosity or self- destruction?
Amazingly enough, it would appear that as long as we see ourselves as merely individuals, egocentric beings that seek only self stimulation and self-fulfillment, then, I would venture to say the answer is yes. They don't call it the rat race for nothing.
But the mere fact that I can ponder this and write about it suggests that each of us has the potential to step outside of this repetitious, narrowminded perception and consider the possibility that there are other alternatives in theory as well as in choice.
I personally believe that the highest ambition is to end up where we started. I am of the belief that children are born pure and connected to their four basic energies; spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional. There is no separation of these awarenesses and no contradiction in perception. They are pure, spiritual, instinctive, and physical beings at the beginning of their human experience. From the moment a child arrives in this world the scales begin to tip and depending on their experiences, those four pillars of being will become imbalanced. The spiritual connection seems to suffer the most and it is my opinion that that is the root of all our suffering. We lose balance, connection, identity and contact with our soul and essence. It's no wonder most individuals go through some phase, sometimes long and agonizing phases, of feeling lost, discouraged, disconnected and purposeless. It is pretty easy to find readings, commentaries and conversations where people ponder the same question. "Who am I and what is the purpose of my existence?" I can't imagine that a rat is experiencing the same conundrum.
So if our mind, emotions, and soul can imagine a different existence, one higher than a mere rat can, then it would seem logical that we should be able to experience and create or recognize a better one.
This is what I call the infinite human experience. The infinity of it is the continuous flow and repetition of the life experience in all humanity. None of us get a pass on being human to its fullest extent. It's like the life-and-death process. That circle will never be broken. Neither will the challenge. We begin in simplicity, clarity and pure love. The goal is to allow ourselves to be rejoined with our pillars of beauty - in mind, heart, body and soul ; Restored and reborn. Each life represents the never ending circle - the infinity from our higher Source into our finite existence. The paradox remains-we must enter the maze and find the way out in order to be "a-mazed" and finally above and beyond the maze - one person at a time ad infinitum.
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