Sunday, April 20, 2014

Small Miracles

Small Miracles
To believe in a spiritual being is one thing. To have a relationship with your spiritual entity is another.
Many of us were raised and told of a God and the existence of God and were governed by the fear of consequences for bad actions in an afterlife that could be eternally tortuous. It reminds me of the story of Hansel and Gretel where children were told of the wicked witch in the forest who would kidnap children and eat them. The God we were introduced to was not someone we wanted to meet, only one to be feared.
My recollection is that we only prayed to God on Sundays or when we were in dire straits and needed some one to save us. Most of the time we just lived in a state of agnostic belief. Whether there was a God or wasn't God didn't seem to enter enter into our realm of thoughts and actions. For many of us our earthly life has been run by our ego-based personalities without guidance and direction from our higher self. An oversized sense of power and control has usually been the steering mechanism directing the course of our lives.
If there ever comes a time when the realization that we really don't control anything comes into our conscious awareness, we become humbled by this profound understanding. That is when the relationship with our higher being or our God starts to become real and so do we. Once this process begins, we change. Our awareness of our surroundings, circumstances, and people that surround us becomes more vivid and more acute. We can begin to see the small miracles that occur around us and how we are well cared for and given exactly what we need. It is a beginning of the path of peace, serenity, and understanding the value and purpose of our life. Finally, our life is the miraculous event as it began, was forgotten, and is now regained. With these new soul eyes our world is a wondrous place and our connection with our higher source is a living breathing awareness. We are loved and in the true world that is home.

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